Entry # 6: Dragon Heart Series Book 4 Sea of Sand

 In book 4 which is called Sea of Sand, Hadjar left off of finally getting revenge for his parents' death and left the Kingdom of Lidus to his sister. During all his adventures of war he heard how small Lidus has really been and is only a little backwoods village compared to the capital of the empire or otherwise known as Dahanatan. In order to get to Dahanatan he has to cross the Sea of Sand, which if you are a mere mortal just standing outside can kill you from the heat of the sun. Fortunately for Hadjar he was in the transformation stage, but even then the sand felt like sharp knives hitting his skin. There was also so many dangerous animals and predators it was too hard to count across the endless desert. Hadjar needs to cross this desert so he can reach the empire but unfortunately for him he has no idea how to navigate through this treacherous desert. But luckily enough he found a caravan that transports nobles to the empire and he was hired as a bodyguard, this trip was expected to be completed within 2 to 3 years. 

What he didn't know was that the caravan was carrying a very old little girl. She always played with the other kids and Hadjar took a liking to her as she reminded him of his younger sister when they would play when they were little. This little girl who had the appearance of 12 years old was actually older than 2 or 3 millennia's. She was also the key to getting into a library of an ancient civilization, the name was library of Mage City. While on this journey Hadjar met a bald monk who seemed to always to be expressionless and became a very close friend to Hadjar, his name is Einen. They had an amazing bond and felt as if they could trust each other with their lives without any thought. While the caravan was on their trip to the empire they got ambushed by an army of the Sunshine warrior Sankesh. They took the key of the Mage City and left Hadjar and the caravan to rot, but when Hadjar and Einen woke up they found themselves in a dark cave. They followed the cave up to an entrance of a city until they were pinned down by the guards of the city. They were the guards of the Underworld City. 


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