
Entry # 10: Books 8 and 9 Land of The Enemy, Land of Pain

 Hadjar arrived back at school and it had only been 7 weeks since went on his journey. He gave Orune the letter but had more urgent things to attend as the First Emperor's tomb had opened but was only available for spirit knights and below to enter the tomb. Hadjar entered the tomb and gained the inheritance of the tomb. This granted him with an amazing technique that Hadjar admired so much.  It granted him enough strength to take down someone at the lord level which was an amazing feat for Hadjar as he was still just a heaven soldier. Then right when he arrived back at school his master Orune took his disciple to the storm mountains which was the most dangerous place in all of Dahantan. Hadjar survived in the Storm Mountains for two years with his mentor training and honing his abilities for the upcoming war and the Tournament of Twelve. He came back on the day of the tournament of twelve where Hadjar defeated all the other young warriors from all across Dahantan. But right after

Entry # 9: Book 7 Land of Demons

 In book 7 Land of Demons  Hadjar is traveling towards the border town as he decided to travel with a crew on a airship. As they are travelling a pirate ship attacks them and then Hadjar crashed landed into enemy territory in Lascan. He would've died if not for the Lascan troops finding him and healing Hadjar. As he took shelter in the fort that saved him an army of orcs are heading straight toward the fort! They ask Hadjar Darhkan to come out as he earned a name in the sea of sand. This name was in the form of a tattoo on his forearm. So Hadjar came out and was taken by the orcs but also some cultivators from Lascan wanted to follow Hadjar and go on a adventure.  As Hadjar went with the orcs to invade demon territory. The demons were starting to break free from the shield that was covering them and the orcs prophesized  they would need Hadjar's help. As the Lascan squad also didn't know Hadjar was Dahanatan which was their enemy and ready to go at war with them at any mome

Entry # 8: Book 6 Land of Magic

 Hadjar and his new brother not bound by blood Einen, finally arrived in the empire. They had received sponsorships from the king of the Underworld City. To attend one of the top 3 schools in Dahanatan. So their first quest was to make it to the center of the capital to do that took them nearly three days! The empire capital is so big that mortals wouldn't be able to make it to the other side within a lifetime! The empire is so amazing as well as it was filled with so many artifacts that Hadjar has never seen, also everyone around them were heaven level soldiers. Which is crazy to Hadjar because he's never seen so many never before then he'd only heard of stories of how many heaven soldiers were in the empire. As Hadjar and Einen got accepted to the Holy Sky School, they had to earn points to unlock techniques or skills to use for battle.  Also many rare materials Hadjar needed for cultivation were located in the school as well. Over the first year of the school Hadjar made

Entry #7: Dragon Heart Series Book 5 Sea of Sorrow

 Hadjar woke up with his friend Einen in the prison of Underworld City. He last remembered trying to save his friend or otherwise known as the key of Mage City, but failed due to Sankesh, a spirit knight which is two cultivation levels above Hadjar took the key and left. Which Hadjar with brimming determination to save her from Sankesh. First he had to escape the Underground City and in order to that he had to go on a expedition with the Underground City squad to claim the loot of Mage City. So Hadjar started his adventure towards Mage City in which to get into Mage City they went through a lake which you go through to get to another wasteland then had to cross this wasteland avoiding all the guardians of Mage City to reach the entrance.  Then having to pass through many complex puzzles and trials to get into the Library which each person of the squad got a chance to learn one technique. But suddenly Sankesh entered the library his aura could be felt through the library, Hadjar knowing

Entry # 6: Dragon Heart Series Book 4 Sea of Sand

 In book 4 which is called Sea of Sand , Hadjar left off of finally getting revenge for his parents' death and left the Kingdom of Lidus to his sister. During all his adventures of war he heard how small Lidus has really been and is only a little backwoods village compared to the capital of the empire or otherwise known as Dahanatan. In order to get to Dahanatan he has to cross the Sea of Sand, which if you are a mere mortal just standing outside can kill you from the heat of the sun. Fortunately for Hadjar he was in the transformation stage, but even then the sand felt like sharp knives hitting his skin. There was also so many dangerous animals and predators it was too hard to count across the endless desert. Hadjar needs to cross this desert so he can reach the empire but unfortunately for him he has no idea how to navigate through this treacherous desert. But luckily enough he found a caravan that transports nobles to the empire and he was hired as a bodyguard, this trip was exp

Entry #5: Update on Dragon Heart Series Books 2-3

From starting after Hadjar Duran received a dragon heart, books 2 and 3 of the series are called Blood Will and Iron Will . In book 2 we start off with Hadjar after receiving his new heart got a new body with it as well. So to start off in book 2 Blood Will  Hadjar decides to join the Moon Army of Lidus(his homeland). As he joins the army he is already promoted to a senior officer at the beginning of his service. He meets his bestfriend while in the army, his name is Nero. As Hadjar trains from the beginning of the cultivation level which is the bodily nodes stage. Then at the end of his training he makes it to the beginning of the Formation Stage. Basically after he finished his training his army starts to go to battle.  After the second book ends he becomes the general of the Moon Army. This only happened because the former general died in battle as well as his mentor, which then led to him being the strongest soldier of the remaining army. In Iron Will  he led his army all throughou

Entry #4: Dragon Heart Series

 I've recently discovered this new book series, it's called Dragon Heart. If you are into action and adventure stories then this series would be the perfect one for you to read. I never liked reading books but I recently discovered this series and I realized that maybe I was just not reading the right books. Soon after I started reading the Dragon heart series and fell in love I have been non stop reading the series since around two weeks ago and I am already on the last chapter of the second book. The book starts off with this man who lived on earth as a cripple with someone who couldn't walk or even talk due to a house fire. Then he passes away but reincarnates in another world of Murim. In this world there is cultivation and many other powers that enables humans to become immortals. The man is born as a baby of a king and queen of a small kingdom in the huge world. They gave the prince the name Hadjar, Hadjar was still conscious that he was a child showing that he had h